Service Learning Librarian

A discussion hub focused on service-learning and its connections to libraries, librarians, and information literacy. 

The blog chronicles several instruction models that integrate service-learning with information literacy and explore other connections between community-engaged learning and libraries. Librarians, teaching faculty, and community engagement professionals alike will find inspiration for creative pedagogies and partnerships that encourage deep reflection, community connections, and research skills. Guest posts welcome!

Recent Posts

Posted on by Anne Marie Gruber

Today's post is by guest author Dr. Ray Pun, Education and Outreach Manager at The Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Curious about the service learning/community engagement perspective from an administrator? Wondering what your administrator colleagues are thinking about regarding service learning, collaborations with libraries, and COVID-19? In this interview, Ray Pun, an academic librarian, spoke with Taffany Lim, Executive Director for Cal State LA’s Center for Engagement, Service & the Public Good regarding her programmatic efforts before and during ... Continue reading

Categories: Community Partnerships, Library/Librarian Roles
Posted on by Anne Marie Gruber

Today's post is by guest author Shauna Edson, Instructional Design Librarian at University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

University of Wisconsin - Parkside Library has been participating in the Community Based Learning (CBL) summer workshop for faculty since 2016. Library staff are able to spend some face-to-face time with faculty, getting to know their course CBL project and connecting them with library resources. Beginning in 2019, the library created a scavenger hunt for the faculty to introduce new library resources, demonstrate active learning, and serve as an icebreaker ... Continue reading

Categories: Information Literacy, Library/Librarian Roles, Pairing Information Literacy and Service-Learning
Posted on by Anne Marie Gruber

Today's post is by guest author Lorelei Rutledge, Associate Librarian, Faculty Services at University of Utah Marriott Library

Sun, sand, palm trees. . . sounds like the beginning of a vacation, doesn’t it? Actually, this description sets the scene for the beginning of my service-learning trip with students in the University of Utah’s dance program. The trip, hosted by Movement Exchange, was part of an “international dance exchange.” Dance students spend 8 days in Panama, learning about the country and culture(s). They visit multiple locations to teach dance to youth ... Continue reading

Categories: Community Partnerships, Embedded Librarianship, Information Literacy, Library/Librarian Roles
Posted on by Anne Marie Gruber

Libraries have been involved in service-learning for years through instruction for service-learning courses, displaying and archiving related course projects, and providing assistance in finding and conducting research necessary for community-based work. But it’s only recently been moving toward a more systematic and programmatic approach. One tool that can assist libraries is the Self-Assessment Rubric for Development of Service Learning Programs in Academic Libraries, developed by Katherine Kott.

The recent article I co-authored with SLL blog team members Maureen Barry, Jennifer ... Continue reading

Categories: Library/Librarian Roles, Publications, SL Models
Posted on by Maureen Barry

As we relaunch Service-Learning Librarian blog, envisioned as a hub connecting those in academic libraries supporting service-learning efforts on their campuses, it’s important to look back at our origin story!

I launched Service-Learning Librarian in late 2008 or early 2009, at the suggestion of my then-supervisor, who also moderated a blog, and with the help of my Web developer colleague in Library Technology Services. I, along with my co-instructor, had recently incorporated service-learning pedagogy into the credit-based Information Literacy course we co-taught. I could find no ... Continue reading

Posted on by Anne Marie Gruber

As the editorial team prepares to relaunch the Service-learning Librarian blog, we reviewed the blog's purpose. We envision this blog as the hub of a wheel, connecting those in academic libraries supporting service-learning efforts on their campuses. Our work may look different in our various settings, but we can learn from each other. To use another metaphor, a tree as the blog's new graphic shows, library workers can and do support the growth and vitality of community engagement and impact. We truly elevate, enhance, and archive the community work of our students and faculty, ... Continue reading

Categories: Community Partnerships, Information Literacy, Institutional Repositories, Library/Librarian Roles
Posted on by Anne Marie Gruber

The Service-learning Librarian blog has a new home & the team is gearing up for a relaunch. What do you want to see here? Comment or tweet us @SLLibrarian

... Continue reading
Posted on by Maureen Barry

Congratulations to Jennifer Nutefall, university librarian at Santa Clara University, for editing Service Learning, Information Literacy, and Libraries, which was chosen as the 2018 Association of College and Research Libraries Instruction Section Publication of the Year. Read more about the award from the American Library Association.

[full disclosure: the moderator of this blog contributed a chapter to this publication.]

... Continue reading
Categories: Awards, Conferences
Posted on by Maureen Barry

Call for Proposals:

Colloquium on Libraries & Service LearningCritically Engaged Librarianship:  Exploring Service Learning and Community InvolvementAugust 9-10,  2018American University, Washington, D.C.

Join us for the 2018 Colloquium on Libraries & Service Learning!

Conference Focus:

The intended community for this colloquium includes all who are interested in current and potential partnerships among academic librarians, faculty who teach service learning courses, service learning professionals, and community ... Continue reading

Categories: Conferences
Posted on by Maureen Barry

Join the new engaged library listserv!

Are you interested in discussing how libraries impact service learning? Have you attended regional or national Campus Compact conferences or the Colloquium on Libraries and Service Learning?

Join the new engaged library listserv to continue the conversation with librarians and others working with faculty, students, service learning professionals, and the local community. The listserv provides an opportunity for participants to engage in the sharing of research, ideas, perspectives, and best practices in library engagement with service ... Continue reading