Hudson Middle School's Service Learning Literacy Course
This post is co-authored by Beth Hohenfeld, Service Learning Literacy educator, and Lorri Kingan, Library Media Specialist, from Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Ohio.
"I'll be Hermione": A simulation approach for faculty development for service-learning
This post is by SLL blog coordinator, Anne Marie Gruber, Liaison & Textbook Equity Librarian at University of Northern Iowa's Rod Library.
The Mastodon is the CURE: Library Partnership in a Chemistry Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience
Our author today is SLL blog facilitator Anne Marie Gruber, Liaison & Textbook Equity Librarian, University of Northern Iowa
Finding Synergies between Data Literacy, Community Engagement, and Librarianship
Today's guest post is by Ben Chiewphasa, Economics and Data Librarian with the Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship, part of University of Notre Dame's Hesburgh Libraries.
Service Learning and Elmo Says, “Conscientização”
Today's guest post author is Cameron Tuai, Data & Business Librarian at Drake University's Cowles Library.
Critical Information Literacy and Critical Service Learning: Building on Common Ground
Today's post is by Nicole Branch, Associate University Librarian for Learning and Engagement at Santa Clara University and Andrea Brewster, Assessment Manager, Undergraduate Studies at Santa Clara University. It describes research they conducted with Jennifer Nutefall, formerly of Santa Clara University and currently Dean of University Libraries at University of Northern Colorado.
Library Scavenger Hunt for Faculty Community-Based Learning Workshop
Today's post is by guest author Shauna Edson, Instructional Design Librarian at University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
Service Learning with Dance Students in Panama
Today's post is by guest author Lorelei Rutledge, Associate Librarian, Faculty Services at University of Utah Marriott Library
SLL blog purpose
As the editorial team prepares to relaunch the Service-learning Librarian blog, we reviewed the blog's purpose. We envision this blog as the hub of a wheel, connecting those in academic libraries supporting service-learning efforts on their campuses. Our work may look different in our various settings, but we can learn from each other. To use another metaphor, a tree as the blog's new graphic shows, library workers can and do support the growth and vitality of community engagement and impact.
Civic Literacy
The concept of civic literacy was brought to my attention this morning by my friend and fellow service-learning enthusiast, Jennifer Nutefall. Perhaps I've been living under a rock. I've heard dozens of kinds of literacy in recent years (digital literacy, media literacy, transliteracy, financial literacy, etc), but I haven't spent any time looking into civic literacy. Jennifer forwarded me papers and proceedings from a recent IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) conference: