LOEX Quarterly article - hot off the presses

The new issue of LOEX Quarterly is out, and my article is finally published!  Thank you, Brad Seitz, Managing Editor, for your patience and guidance while I was working on this article.  Part II will be published in the next issue. Barry, M. (2011).  Librarians as Partners in Service-Learning Courses (Part I).  LOEX Quarterly: 38(1), Article 5. Check it out if your library belongs to LOEX! According to the LOEX Quarterly site:  "Only the most recent four electronic issues (i.e., the most recent year) are password-protected. For the password-protected articles, a LOEX member log-in and password is required (please contact loex@emich.edu if you do not have your password) or IP Address Authenticated (please contact loex_ipaddress@live.com with your IP Address(es) and institution name)."

CategoriesLibrary/Librarian Roles, Publications, SL Models