October 2011 Articles

Posted on by Maureen Barry

I'm thrilled that I have yet another opportunity to work with a service-learning class next week.  SRV 200:  Citizenship in our Democracy is the introductory course for our Citizen Scholar certificate program. The instructor, Cathy Sayer (also our Director of Service-Learning), is asking her students to write final reflections that use their course readings on citizenship, their experience at the service sites and another source to inform their writing.  The class is small, and they are serving at three different sites, including an urban high school, an arboretum and…

Posted on by Maureen Barry

A few weeks ago, I attended a lecture on campus given by Hunt Brown, Director of Sustainability and Senior Lecturer, Earth & Environmental Sciences, about a fascinating service-learning course he taught here at WSU.   The course, UH 203, took place during intersession 2007 (that's the break between fall and winter quarters), and included a one-week service trip to New Orleans, about two years after Hurrican Katrina hit.  The students researched economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability in New Orleans.  If you're wondering…

Posted on by Maureen Barry

My co-teacher and I will teach our Information Literacy course, EDT 110, again beginning in January.  One of the questions I get most frequently about my class is about timing.  How long/far in advance should I start planning a service-learning partnership or course? Since we have worked with our community partner, Project READ, before, and there haven't been any staff changes or other issues to be concerned about, we will probably meet with them again in early November to negotiate a mutually beneficial research topic.  A topic that will be appropriate for our students, and…

Posted on by Maureen Barry

For those of you stopping by to see more about my Information Literacy Course, the list of posts about the course can be found here.  Or, you can click on "Information Literacy Course (EDT 110)" under Categories in the right menu. Some assignments are also posted here

Posted on by Maureen Barry

My local paper, the Dayton Daily News, recently ran a story about area college students (including Wright State students, of course) and their service to the community, through service-learning and other service projects. Read the story by Christopher Magan here.

Posted on by Maureen Barry

Budget cuts are threatening civic service initiatives.  See what you can do to help save service here.