October 2013 Articles

Posted on by Maureen Barry

The bad news is that I had to cancel this semester's service-learning information literacy course due to low enrollment. I attribute it to a couple different factors:  miscommunication with the registrar (our course wasn't titled or labeled properly as service-learning) and a very awkward time in our transition to semesters at my institution during which some students are "caught in the middle."  I hope for better enrollment next spring when I teach the course again. I am, however, co-teaching UH2020: Ethics of sustainability in Appalachia.  This is the course for…

Posted on by Maureen Barry

A few weeks ago, Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen and a few other civic-related books, visited Wright State.  Since I have taken so long to write about his visit, I think a bulleted list of takeaways will be best.

  • Help students think about how they're going to be engaged after graduation
  • Help students understand "slow thinking" - this might help them understand that evaluation is a process, not a quick judgment.  (See:  Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow.
  • What if a non-traditional student with…
Posted on by Maureen Barry

In 2015, many institutions will be applying or re-applying for the (elective) Carnegie Community Engagement Classification. I'm wondering if other libraries out there are supporting this process on their campus?  One way I'm helping is by reporting my community engagement activities so that they can be counted.