Updates, Weeks 4 & 5: InfoLit Course (EDT 110)

During Week 4, we covered searching the catalog for books.  We sent the students to the stacks.  Many hadn't realized there would actually be books written about the topic we're researching.  We also focused on how to cite in APA style so they could  complete their homework for class 5 - to find and cite three books (or at least chapters). Week 5, we spent more time on citations.   Students submit their homework electronically Monday night before midnight so we can grade them and return them immediately on Tuesday morning in class.  Based on their homework, it was clear they were struggling with citations.  We found a helpful APA citation activity posted by Bowling Green State University Libraries (my alma mater!) that we worked through together as a class. We also spent quite a bit of class time on how to read and annotate a scholarly article.  We used these resources: Anatomy of a scholarly article How to read a scholarly article Paraphrasing from the Purdue OWL tutorials Annotated bibliographies from the Purdue OWL tutorials We also gave the students a reviewing an article in class assignment to give them some practice with summarizing articles, and we all summarized one article together as a class. And for class 6, their homework is to cite and annotate three new articles for their research portfolios for Project READ.

CategoriesInformation Literacy Course (EDT 110)