Service-Learning Research Academy - Part II

The facilitators at the Service-Learning Research Academy last week encouraged participants to develop and/or refine projects that could translate into high quality research in the field of service-learning. I'm really excited to get started on my project. Breakout sessions provided opportunities to refresh knowledge or get familiar with the basics of qualitative and quantitative research. Then, participants broke into small groups to discuss possible research questions and methods. For me, it was beneficial to converse with faculty who teach service-learning courses and staff who support the faculty who teach service-learning courses. When I explained my interest in the librarian's role in a service-learning course, they were all ready to go back and talk to their librarians. They appreciated the idea that librarians could be helpful - not only to them, but to their students, as well. It's not a role that is discussed very often in terms of service-learning partnerships. Thus, the birth of this blog - and the huge research project I intend to begin this summer.
