IL Course (EDT 110) Week 4

Homework due today, 1/25:  Students viewed the Information Cycle tutorial, produced by Penn State University Libraries; Students also submitted three articles related to their research topic (reading/writing assessment for K-8 students) to a dropbox in the learning management system. Class content:  This morning, our students took their second READINESS ASSURANCE TEST(RAT).  Like the first RAT, the students took the test individually, then took the same RAT as a group.  The group scores, again, were higher than the highest individual score.  The questions for the RAT were based on the Information Cycle tutorial, and content we covered in class during the last 2 weeks (generating keywords and evaluating information). Next, we reviewed an article that one of the students turned in for homework to discuss how it was or was not relevant to the topic of reading assessment for K-8 students.  The students spent time discussing in groups, then we discussed as a larger class. Finally, we discussed the reasons we cite our sources and began going over the mechanics of citing sources. Homework due next week, 2/1:  Find two more sources (web sites or articles) for our research portfolio and cite and annotate them. Observations:  My co-teacher and I were very pleased with the students' group discussions in class.  Each student contributed at least one question or comment to class today, as well, thanks to our participation rubric!

CategoriesInformation Literacy Course (EDT 110), SL Models