Hudson Middle School's Service Learning Literacy Course
This post is co-authored by Beth Hohenfeld, Service Learning Literacy educator, and Lorri Kingan, Library Media Specialist, from Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Ohio.
Integrating service-learning in the new Information and Society course at Seattle Pacific University
Today's guest post is co-authored by Kristen Hoffman and Liz Gruchala-Gilbert. Kristen is the Psychology and Scholarly Communications Librarian, and Liz is the College of Arts and Sciences Librarian.
Service-Learning Reflection Journal
Purdue University has recently published a free online Service Learning Reflection Journal. This could be a very useful tool, particularly for those new to service-learning. It offers some reflection prompts and exercises to assign for students. Reflection is an integral piece of the service-learning experience, as it often ties the service to the learning for students. The journal is available for download here. Sass, M.
The reflection question that may never be removed from my very carefully crafted list of guided reflection questions
I recently attended a workshop about how we can deepen students' reflections, which was led by one of Wright State's experienced service-learning instructors, Karen Hayes. I came away with a new reflection question to include in my arsenal. In fact, I love this question so much that it may never be removed from my arsenal. The question was posed by my colleague, Stephanie Dickey, in our small group discussion during the workshop. She suggested that we should challenge students to think about their role in relation to the problem or issue addressed by any servic
Reflection and practice - or, why do I keep reinventing my class?
Lately, I've been feeling a little frustrated with myself as an instructor. I'm always changing the game plan, never happy with what I have planned. My co-teacher and I are constantly reinventing our lesson plans and our class. It takes a lot of time. And, frankly, sometimes I wonder why we haven't figured this out yet - this is the sixth time we have taught this course. Why aren't we on auto pilot?