Wright Commitment: Crayons to Classrooms
As part of yesterday's student-run philanthropy/community service event, Wright Commitment, I volunteered at Crayons to Classrooms (C2C) along a few other WSU students and staff members. Crayons to Classrooms provides school supplies for teachers of children in need. We helped teachers bag their supplies and get them to their cars. C2C has served about 34 schools and more than 1,000 teachers in the Dayton area. They celebrated the landmark o
Concert for Literacy, part II
The Concert for Literacy last week raised about $12,000 for Project READ in ticket sales alone (according to Project READ's Facebook post). And that didn't include all of the raffle tickets the volunteers (myself included) sold! It was a great time and a beautiful night.
Concert for Literacy
Our EDT 110 class community partner, Project READ, has a huge fundraiser next week. The 7th annual Concert for Literacy will take place Thursday, June 30 at 8 p.m.